
Apple Contacts shortcuts for Mac

Apple Contacts is a contact management application that comes with macOS and iOS, allowing users to store and organize contact information for individuals and organizations.

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Apple Contacts


Open Contacts Preferences⌘ (command) + , Add to Pie Menu
Create A Card for New Contact⌘ (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
Create a New Group/Folder⌘ (command) + ⇧ (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu
Create a New Smart Group⌘ (command) + ⌥ (option) + n Add to Pie Menu
Import Contacts⌘ (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Print Contacts⌘ (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Edit Current Contacts⌘ (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Save Changes in Contacts⌘ (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Show/Hide Contacts⌘ (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
View a list and a card⌘ (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Go to Next Card⌘ (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Go to Previous Card⌘ (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Show/Hide Last Import⌘ (command) + ⌥ (option) + l Add to Pie Menu
Merge/Link Selected Cards⌘ (command) + ⇧ (shift) + l Add to Pie Menu
Open A Card in New Window⌘ (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Choose A Custom Image for A Contact⌘ (command) + ⌥ (option) + i Add to Pie Menu
Make A Card as A Company or A Person⌘ (command) + \ Add to Pie Menu
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