
Final Cut Pro shortcuts for Mac

Final Cut Pro is a professional video editing software that allows users to create and edit movies with high-quality audio and video. Download Final Cut Pro

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Final Cut Pro


Open file (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Open selected filereturn Add to Pie Menu
OPen in separate window (shift) + return Add to Pie Menu
Open item editor (control) +  (shift) + return Add to Pie Menu
Close window (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
HElp (command) + ? Add to Pie Menu
Quit (command) + q Add to Pie Menu
Save (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save all (option) + s Add to Pie Menu
Undo (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Redo (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Adio scrub on or off (shift) + s Add to Pie Menu
Edit render quality (shift) + y Add to Pie Menu
Looping on or off (shift) + l Add to Pie Menu
Snappig on or off (shift) + l Add to Pie Menu

Application Window

Viewer (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Canvas (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Timeline (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu
Browser (command) + 4 Add to Pie Menu
Effects (command) + 5 Add to Pie Menu
Favorites bin (command) + 6 Add to Pie Menu
Trim edit (command) + 7 Add to Pie Menu
Log and capture (command) + 8 Add to Pie Menu
Item properties (command) + 9 Add to Pie Menu
Sequence Settings (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
Preferences (option) + q Add to Pie Menu


Copy (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Cut (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Duplicate (option) + d Add to Pie Menu
Make in/out a selection (option) + a Add to Pie Menu
Paste (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Paste attributes (option) + v Add to Pie Menu
Select all (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Deselect all (command) + d Add to Pie Menu


Forward one frame Add to Pie Menu
Backward one frame Add to Pie Menu
Forward one second (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Back one second (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Match framef Add to Pie Menu
Next edit (shift) + e Add to Pie Menu
Previous edit (option) + e Add to Pie Menu
Next gap (shift) + g Add to Pie Menu
Previous gap (option) + g Add to Pie Menu
Shuttle forward' Add to Pie Menu
Shuttle backward; Add to Pie Menu
To beginning of mediahome Add to Pie Menu
To end of mediaend Add to Pie Menu
To next edit or in/out Add to Pie Menu
To previous edit or In/Out Add to Pie Menu
To next marker (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
To previous marker (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
To master clip (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu

Finding items

FInd (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
FInd next (in find results) (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Find previous (in Find results) (shift) + f3 Add to Pie Menu


Horizontal scroll left (shift) + page up Add to Pie Menu
Horizontal scroll right (shift) + page down Add to Pie Menu
Vertical scroll uppage up Add to Pie Menu
Vertical scroll downpage down Add to Pie Menu

Screen Layout and Display

Custom layout 1 (shift) + u Add to Pie Menu
Custom layout 2 (option) + u Add to Pie Menu


Import file (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
New project (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
New sequence (command) + n Add to Pie Menu


Toggle list (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Insert bin (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Oepn bins Add to Pie Menu
Close bins Add to Pie Menu
Make favorite (option) + f Add to Pie Menu
Show logging columns (option) + b Add to Pie Menu
Show standard columns (shift) + b Add to Pie Menu


Create or break link (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Linked selection on or offl Add to Pie Menu
Create or break stereo pair (option) + l Add to Pie Menu
Change track size (shift) + t Add to Pie Menu
Clip Keyframes on or off (option) + t Add to Pie Menu
Clip Overlays on or off (option) + w Add to Pie Menu
Delete and leave gap Add to Pie Menu
Ripple delete (no gap) (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Fit sequence in window (shift) + z Add to Pie Menu
Lock video trackf5  + track number Add to Pie Menu
Lock all video tracks (shift) + f5 Add to Pie Menu

In and Out points

Set in pointsi Add to Pie Menu
Set out pointo Add to Pie Menu
Set video in onlyj Add to Pie Menu
Set video out only (shift) + j Add to Pie Menu
Clear in (option) + i Add to Pie Menu
Clear out (option) + o Add to Pie Menu
Clear in and out (option) + x Add to Pie Menu
Make selection an In or out (shift) + a Add to Pie Menu
Mark clipx Add to Pie Menu
Goto in point (shift) + a Add to Pie Menu
Go to out point (shift) + o Add to Pie Menu

Logging and capturing

Log clipf2 Add to Pie Menu
Batch capture (command) + h Add to Pie Menu


Change render qualityy Add to Pie Menu
Display framef15 Add to Pie Menu
Print to video (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
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