
Eclipse shortcuts for Mac

Eclipse is a popular, open-source integrated development environment (IDE) that supports a wide range of programming languages and has many features such as code completion, debugging, and refactoring support. Download Eclipse

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Eclipse


Toggle Full Screen (control) +  (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Show System Menu (shift) +  (command) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Show Key Assist (shift) +  (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Next Perspective (command) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Previous Perspective (shift) +  (command) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Show View Menu (command) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Next View (command) + f7 Add to Pie Menu
Previous View (shift) +  (command) + f7 Add to Pie Menu
Maximize View or Editor (control) + m Add to Pie Menu
Previous Editor (shift) +  (command) + f6 Add to Pie Menu
Next Editor (command) + f6 Add to Pie Menu
Switch to Editor (control) +  (shift) + e Add to Pie Menu
Quick Switch Editor (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
Activate Editor (command) + f12 Add to Pie Menu
Quick Access (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu


Paste Repo Path or URI (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Copy Path to Clipboard (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Commit... (option) +  (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu

Plug-in Spy

Layout Spy (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + f9 Add to Pie Menu
Show Contrib. Plug-in (option) +  (shift) + f3 Add to Pie Menu
Plug-in Menu Spy (option) +  (shift) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Plug-in Selection Spy (option) +  (shift) + f1 Add to Pie Menu

Plug-in Development

Quick Outline (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Format Source (shift) +  (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Open Manifest (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Open Plug-in Artifact (shift) +  (command) + a Add to Pie Menu


Show View: Variables (option) +  (command) + q  v Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Type Hierarchy (option) +  (command) + q  t Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Synchronize (option) +  (command) + q  y Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Search (option) +  (command) + q  s Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Problems (option) +  (command) + q  x Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Package Expl. (option) +  (command) + q  p Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Outline (option) +  (command) + q  o Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Javadoc (option) +  (command) + q  j Add to Pie Menu
Show View: History (option) +  (command) + q  z Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Error Log (option) +  (command) + q  l Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Declaration (option) +  (command) + q  d Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Console (option) +  (command) + q  c Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Cheat Sheets (option) +  (command) + q  h Add to Pie Menu
Show View: Breakpoints (option) +  (command) + q  q Add to Pie Menu
Show View (option) +  (command) + q  q Add to Pie Menu


Previous Tab (control) + pageup Add to Pie Menu
Next Tab (control) + pagedown Add to Pie Menu
Go to Prev. Editor Sub-Tab (option) + pageup Add to Pie Menu
Go to Next Editor Sub-Tab (option) + pagedown Add to Pie Menu
Go to Prev. Editor Page (option) +  (shift) + f7 Add to Pie Menu
Go to Next Editor Page (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Forward History (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Backward History (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Last Edit Location (control) + q Add to Pie Menu
Previous (shift) +  (command) + . Add to Pie Menu
Next (command) + . Add to Pie Menu
Show In... (option) +  (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
Show In Breadcrumb (option) +  (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Open from Clipboard (shift) +  (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Open Resource (shift) +  (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Open Type in Hierarchy (shift) +  (command) + h Add to Pie Menu
Open Type (shift) +  (command) + t Add to Pie Menu


Skip All Breakpoints (control) +  (option) + b Add to Pie Menu
EOF (control) + d Add to Pie Menu
Go to Address (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Previous Page Memory (shift) +  (command) + , Add to Pie Menu
Next Page of Memory (shift) +  (command) + . Add to Pie Menu
Next Memory Monitor (option) +  (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
New Rendering (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Memory Monitors (command) + t Add to Pie Menu
Close Rendering (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
Add Memory Block (option) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Undo (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Java Breakpoint Properties (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Execute (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Display (shift) +  (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Inspect (shift) +  (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
All Instances (shift) +  (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
Use Step Filters (shift) + f5 Add to Pie Menu
Run to Line (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Force Return (option) +  (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Step Returnf7 Add to Pie Menu
Step Overf6 Add to Pie Menu
Step Into Selection (option) + f5 Add to Pie Menu
Step Intof5 Add to Pie Menu
Terminate (command) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Resumef8 Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Breakpoint (shift) +  (command) + b Add to Pie Menu


Debug OSGi Framework (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  o Add to Pie Menu
Debug JUnit Test (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  t Add to Pie Menu
Debug JUnit Plug-in Test (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  p Add to Pie Menu
Debug Java Application (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  j Add to Pie Menu
Debug Java Applet (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  a Add to Pie Menu
Debug Eclipse Application (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  e Add to Pie Menu
Debug Ant Build (control) +  (option) +  (command) + d  q Add to Pie Menu


Run OSGi Framework (option) +  (command) + x  o Add to Pie Menu
Run JUnit Test (option) +  (command) + x  t Add to Pie Menu
Run JUnit Plug-in Test (option) +  (command) + x  p Add to Pie Menu
Run Java Application (option) +  (command) + x  j Add to Pie Menu
Run Java Applet (option) +  (command) + x  a Add to Pie Menu
Run Eclipse Application (option) +  (command) + x  e Add to Pie Menu
Run Ant Build (option) +  (command) + x  q Add to Pie Menu
Run (shift) +  (command) + f11 Add to Pie Menu

Ant Editing

Rename In File (option) +  (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Open External Doc. (shift) + f2 Add to Pie Menu

Java Project

Build All (command) + b Add to Pie Menu

Java Refactoring

Inline (option) +  (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Extract Local Variable (option) +  (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Extract Method (option) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Change Method Signature (option) +  (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Move (option) +  (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Rename (option) +  (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Show Refactor Menu (option) +  (command) + t Add to Pie Menu

Java Quick Assist

Rename in File (command) + 2  r Add to Pie Menu
Extract Method (command) + 2  m Add to Pie Menu
Assign to Field (command) + 2  f Add to Pie Menu
Assign to Local Variable (command) + 2  l Add to Pie Menu

Java Editing – Modification

Remove Occurrence (option) +  (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Surround With Menu (option) +  (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Organize Imports (shift) +  (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Add Import (shift) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Correct Indentation (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Add Javadoc Comment (option) +  (command) + j Add to Pie Menu
Remove Block Comment (control) +  (command) + \ Add to Pie Menu
Add Block Comment (control) +  (command)Add to Pie Menu

Java Editing – Navigation

Show In Breadcrumb (option) +  (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Quick Outline (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Quick Hierarchy (command) + t Add to Pie Menu
Open Structure (command) + f3 Add to Pie Menu
Open Attached Javadoc (shift) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Open Call Hierarchy (control) +  (option) + h Add to Pie Menu
Open Type Hierarchyf4 Add to Pie Menu
Open Declarationf3 Add to Pie Menu
Go to Matching Bracket (shift) +  (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Go to Next Member (control) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Previous Member (control) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu

Java Editing – Selection

Context Information (control) +  (shift) + space Add to Pie Menu
Restore Last Selection (control) +  (shift) + pagedown Add to Pie Menu
Select Next Element (control) +  (shift) + end Add to Pie Menu
Select Previous Element (control) +  (shift) + home Add to Pie Menu
Select Enclosing Element (control) +  (shift) + pageup Add to Pie Menu

Source Editing

Open Hyperlinkf3 Add to Pie Menu
Annotate Class File (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Format (shift) +  (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Mark Occurrences (option) +  (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Comment (command) + 7 Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Comment (command) + / Add to Pie Menu
Show Source Quick Menu (option) +  (command) + s Add to Pie Menu

Text Editing – Modification

Toggle Overwriteins Add to Pie Menu
Convert to Upper Case (shift) +  (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Convert to Lower Case (shift) +  (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Delete to End of Line (shift) +  (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Delete Next Word (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Delete Previous Word (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Delete Line (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Move Lines Down (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move Lines Up (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Copy Lines Down (option) +  (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Copy Lines Up (option) +  (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Insert Line Below (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Insert Line Above (shift) +  (command) +  Add to Pie Menu

Text Editing – Navigation

Zoom Out (command) + - Add to Pie Menu
Zoom In (command) + = Add to Pie Menu
Zoom In (command) + + Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Word Wrap (option) +  (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Show Ruler Context Menu (command) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Expand All (shift) +  (command) + num_* Add to Pie Menu
Expand (command) + num_plus Add to Pie Menu
Collapse All (shift) +  (command) + num_/ Add to Pie Menu
Collapse (command) + num_- Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Folding (command) + num_/ Add to Pie Menu
Go to Line (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Cursor to Next Word (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Cursor to Previous Word (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Cursor to Line End (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Cursor to Line Start (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Cursor to Text Endend Add to Pie Menu
Cursor to Text Start (command) + home Add to Pie Menu

Text Editing – Selection

Select Next Word (option) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select Previous Word (option) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select to Line End (shift) + end Add to Pie Menu
Select to Line Start (shift) +  (command) +  Add to Pie Menu


Show Occurrences in File (shift) +  (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Search Declaration in Ws (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Search References in Ws (shift) +  (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Find Text in Workspace (option) +  (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Open Search Dialog (control) + h Add to Pie Menu


Toggle Split Editor vertical (shift) +  (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Split Editor horizontal (shift) +  (command) + - Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Block Selection (option) +  (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Quick Diff Toggle (control) +  (shift) + q Add to Pie Menu
Quick Fix (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Word Completion (control) + . Add to Pie Menu
Context Information (control) +  (shift) + space Add to Pie Menu
Content Assist (control) + space Add to Pie Menu
Show Tooltip Descriptionf2 Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Insert Mode (shift) +  (command) + ins Add to Pie Menu
Reverse Incremental Find (shift) +  (command) + j Add to Pie Menu
Incremental Find (command) + j Add to Pie Menu
Find Previous (shift) +  (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
Find Next (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
Find and Replace (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Select All (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Delete Add to Pie Menu
Paste (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Copy (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Cut (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Redo (shift) +  (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Undo (command) + z Add to Pie Menu


Properties (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Print (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Refreshf5 Add to Pie Menu
Renamef2 Add to Pie Menu
Save All (shift) +  (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Close All (shift) +  (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
Close (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
New Menu (option) +  (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
New (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
Pie Menu

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The convenience of shortcuts without the memorization!

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