
Adobe Dreamweaver shortcuts for Mac

Adobe Dreamweaver is a powerful website design and development software that enables users to create and publish professional websites with ease. Download Adobe Dreamweaver

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Dreamweaver

Coding Shortcuts

Quick Edit (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
Quick Doc (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
Open/Add Line Above (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Show Parameter Hint (command) +  (shift) + spacebar Add to Pie Menu
Show code hints (command) + spacebar Add to Pie Menu
Select Child (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Go to Line (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Select Parent Tag (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Collapse Selection (command) +  (shift) + c Add to Pie Menu
Collapse Outside Selection (command) +  (option) + c Add to Pie Menu
Expand Selection (command) +  (shift) + e Add to Pie Menu
Collapse Full Tag (command) +  (shift) + j Add to Pie Menu
Collapse Outside Full Tag (command) +  (option) + j Add to Pie Menu
Expand All (command) +  (option) + e Add to Pie Menu
Indent Code (command) +  (shift) + > Add to Pie Menu
Outdent Code (command) +  (shift) + < Add to Pie Menu
Balance Braces (command) + ' Add to Pie Menu
Code Navigator (command) +  (option) + n Add to Pie Menu
Delete word left (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Delete word right (command) +   + fn Add to Pie Menu
Select line up (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select line down (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Character select left (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Character select right (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select to page up (shift) + pgup  + fn Add to Pie Menu
Select to page down (shift) + pgdn  + fn Add to Pie Menu
Move word left (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move word right (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to start of current line (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to end of current line (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Toggle line comment (command)Add to Pie Menu
Toggle block comment (for PHP and JS files) (control) +  (shift)Add to Pie Menu
Duplicate line selection (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Delete line (s) (command) +  (shift) + d Add to Pie Menu
Jump to definition (JS files) (command) + j Add to Pie Menu
Select word right (control) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select word left (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to top of file (command) + fn  +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to end of file (command) + fn  +  Add to Pie Menu
Select to start of file (command) +  (shift) + fn  +  Add to Pie Menu
Select to end of file (command) +  (shift) + fn  +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Source Code (command) +  (option) + ` Add to Pie Menu
Close Window (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
Quit Application (command) + q Add to Pie Menu
Quick Tag Editor (command) + t Add to Pie Menu
Go to Next Word (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Previous Word (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Previous Paragraph (Design View) (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Next Paragraph (Design View) (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select Until Next Word (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select from Previous Word (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select from Previous Paragraph (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select Until Next Paragraph (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to next property pane (command) +  (option) + fn  +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to previous property pane (command) +  (option) + fn  +  Add to Pie Menu
New in same window (command) +  (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu
Exit Paragraph (command) + return Add to Pie Menu
Next Document (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Previous Document (command) +  (shift) + ` Add to Pie Menu
Surround with # (command) +  (shift) + 3 Add to Pie Menu

Files Panel

New File (command) +  (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu
New Folder (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu

Find and Replace

Find in Current Document (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Find and Replace in Files (command) +  (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu
Replace in Current Document (command) +  (option) + h Add to Pie Menu
Find Next (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Find Previous (command) +  (shift) + g Add to Pie Menu
Find All and Select (command) +  (control) + g Add to Pie Menu
Add Next Match to Selection (command) +  (control) + r Add to Pie Menu
Skip and Add Next Match to Selection (command) +  (option) +  (control) + r Add to Pie Menu


Insert Image (command) +  (option) + i Add to Pie Menu
Insert HTML5 Video (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Insert Animated Composition (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + e Add to Pie Menu
Insert Flash SWF (command) +  (option) + f Add to Pie Menu
Insert Line Break (shift) + return Add to Pie Menu


Compile CSS Preprocessorsf9 Add to Pie Menu
Add CSS selector or property which ever panel is in focus (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + = Add to Pie Menu
Add CSS selector (command) +  (option) + s Add to Pie Menu
Add CSS property (command) +  (option) + p Add to Pie Menu

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)

Show Guides (command) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Lock Guides (command) +  (option) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Snap to Guides (command) +  (shift) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Guides Snap to Elements (command) +  (shift) + g Add to Pie Menu
Show Grid (command) +  (option) + g Add to Pie Menu
Snap to Grid (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + g Add to Pie Menu
Show Rulers (command) +  (option) + r Add to Pie Menu


Real-time Preview in Primary Browser (option) + f12 Add to Pie Menu
Preview in Secondary Browser (shift) + f12 Add to Pie Menu

View Specific

Freeze JavaScript (Live View)f6 Add to Pie Menu
Hide Live View Displays (command) +  (control) + h Add to Pie Menu
Switch Views (command) + ` Add to Pie Menu
Inspect (Live View) (option) +  (shift) + f11 Add to Pie Menu
Hide all visual aids (Design View) (command) +  (shift) + i Add to Pie Menu
Toggle between Design and Live View (command) +  (shift) + f11 Add to Pie Menu


Preferences (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Show Panelsf4 Add to Pie Menu
Behaviors (shift) + f4 Add to Pie Menu
Code Inspector (option) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
CSS Designer (command) + f11 Add to Pie Menu
DOM (command) + f7 Add to Pie Menu
Filesf8 Add to Pie Menu
Insert (command) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Properties (command) + f3 Add to Pie Menu
Output (shift) + f6 Add to Pie Menu
Searchf7 Add to Pie Menu
Dreamweaver Online Helpf1 Add to Pie Menu


Indent (command) +  (option) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Outdent (command) +  (option) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Bold (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Italic (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Spell Check (shift) + f7 Add to Pie Menu
Remove Link (command) +  (shift) + l Add to Pie Menu


Zoom in (Design and Live View) (command) + = Add to Pie Menu
Zoom Out (Design and Live View) (command) + - Add to Pie Menu
100% (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
50% (command) +  (option) + 5 Add to Pie Menu
200% (command) +  (option) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
300% (command) +  (option) + 3 Add to Pie Menu
Fit Selection (command) +  (option) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
Fit All (command) +  (shift) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
Fit Width (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
Increase Font Size (command)Add to Pie Menu
Decrease Font Size (command) + - Add to Pie Menu
Restore Font Size (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu


Insert Table (command) +  (option) + t Add to Pie Menu
Merge Cells (command) +  (option) + m Add to Pie Menu
Split Cell (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + t Add to Pie Menu
Insert Row (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Insert Column (command) +  (shift) + a Add to Pie Menu
Delete Row (command) +  (shift) + m Add to Pie Menu
Delete Column (command) +  (shift) + - Add to Pie Menu
Increase Column Span (command) +  (shift) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Decrease Column Span (command) +  (shift) + [ Add to Pie Menu

Site Management

Get File (command) +  (option) + d Add to Pie Menu
Check out File (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + d Add to Pie Menu
Put File (command) +  (shift) + u Add to Pie Menu
Check in File (command) +  (option) +  (shift) + u Add to Pie Menu
Check Links Sitewide (command) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Show Page Titles (command) +  (shift) + t Add to Pie Menu
Pie Menu

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The convenience of shortcuts without the memorization!

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