
TextMate shortcuts for Mac

TextMate is another code editor for Mac with a customizable interface and support for a wide range of programming languages. Download TextMate

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for TextMate

General Shortcuts

New (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
New Project (command) +  (control) + n Add to Pie Menu
Open (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Save (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save As (command) +  (shift) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save All (command) +  (option) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save Project (command) +  (control) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save Project As (command) +  (shift) +  (control) + s Add to Pie Menu
Reveal in Project (command) +  (control) + r Add to Pie Menu
Print (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Help (command) + ? Add to Pie Menu
Undo (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Redo (command) +  (shift) + z Add to Pie Menu
Copy (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Cut (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Paste (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Paste Previous (command) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Paste from Clipboard (command) +  (control) +  (option) + v Add to Pie Menu
Paste without Re-indent (command) +  (control) + v Add to Pie Menu
Completionesc Add to Pie Menu
Overwrite Mode (command) +  (option) + o Add to Pie Menu
Freehand Editing (command) +  (option) + e Add to Pie Menu
Select Word (control) + w Add to Pie Menu
Select Line (command) +  (shift) + l Add to Pie Menu
Select All (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Select Current Scope (option) +  (control) + b Add to Pie Menu
Select Enclosing Brackets (command) +  (shift) + b Add to Pie Menu
Find (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Find Next (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Find Previous (command) +  (shift) + g Add to Pie Menu
Find in Project (command) +  (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu
Replace All (command) +  (control) + f Add to Pie Menu
Find and Replace (command) +  (option) + f Add to Pie Menu
Replace All in Selection (command) +  (control) +  (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu
Use Selection for Find (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
Use Selection for Replace (command) +  (shift) + e Add to Pie Menu
Jump to Selection (command) + j Add to Pie Menu
Spelling (command) + : Add to Pie Menu
Check Spelling (command) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Check Spelling as you type (command) +  (option) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Special Characters (command) +  (option) + t Add to Pie Menu
Zoom Font (command)Add to Pie Menu
Zoom out Font (command) + - Add to Pie Menu
Display/Hide Bookmarks (command) +  (option) + b Add to Pie Menu
Display/Hide Line numbers (command) +  (option) + l Add to Pie Menu
Display/Hide Project Drawer (command) +  (control) +  (option) + d Add to Pie Menu
Soft Wrap (command) +  (option) + w Add to Pie Menu
Display/Hide Invisibles (command) +  (option) + i Add to Pie Menu
Fold Current Blockf1 Add to Pie Menu
Uppercase (control) + u Add to Pie Menu
Lowercase (control) +  (shift) + u Add to Pie Menu
Titlecase (control) +  (option) + u Add to Pie Menu
Opposite Case (control) + g Add to Pie Menu
Move line Up/Down (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move Column Up/Down (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Left Shift (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Right Shift (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Indent Line (command) +  (option) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Edit each line in selection (command) +  (option) + a Add to Pie Menu
Reformat Paragraph (control) + q Add to Pie Menu
Reformat and Justify (control) + j Add to Pie Menu
Unwrap Paragraph (control) +  (option) + q Add to Pie Menu
Execute line inserting result (control) + r Add to Pie Menu
Filter through Command (command) +  (option) + r Add to Pie Menu
Add/Remove Bookmark (command) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Jump to Next/Previous Bookmarkf2 Add to Pie Menu
Navigate Tabs (command) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Header/Source (command) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to File (command) + t Add to Pie Menu
Go to Symbol (command) +  (shift) + t Add to Pie Menu
Scroll line Up/Down (command) +  (option) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Scroll Column Up/Down (command) +  (option) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to Line (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Go to Middle Visible Line (command) +  (shift) + j Add to Pie Menu
Sort Linesf5 Add to Pie Menu
Show Web preview (command) +  (option) +  (control) + p Add to Pie Menu
Open Bundle Menu (control) + esc Add to Pie Menu
Select Bundle Item (command) +  (control) + t Add to Pie Menu
Statistics for Document/Selection (control) +  (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu

Source Shortcut

Comment Line/Selection (command)Add to Pie Menu
Lookup definition (control) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Toggle Single/Double Quotes (control) + " Add to Pie Menu
Escaped Double Quotes (command) + " Add to Pie Menu
Escaped Single Quotes (command) +  (option) + " Add to Pie Menu
Insert Comment Banner (control) +  (shift) + b Add to Pie Menu
Continue Line Comment Add to Pie Menu
Move to EOL and Insert LF (command) + return Add to Pie Menu
Move to EOL and Insert ; (command) +  (option) + return Add to Pie Menu
Move to Eol and Insert ;+LF (command) +  (shift) + return Add to Pie Menu
NewLine (control) + return Add to Pie Menu
Convert Space to Tabs (command) +  (control) +  (shift) + t Add to Pie Menu
Convert Source to HTML (control) +  (shift) + h Add to Pie Menu
View Source as HTML (command) +  (option) +  (control) + p Add to Pie Menu

Apache Shortcut

Search on Apache.org (control) + h Add to Pie Menu

HTML Shortcuts

Validate (control) +  (option) + v Add to Pie Menu
Documentation (control) + h Add to Pie Menu
Tidy (control) +  (shift) + h Add to Pie Menu
Refresh Browser (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Convert to Entities/URL Escapes (command) + & Add to Pie Menu
Insert Open/Close Tag (control) + < Add to Pie Menu
Insert Close Tag (command) +  (option) + . Add to Pie Menu
Wrap selection in Open/Close Tag (control) +  (shift) + w Add to Pie Menu
Wrap Each Selected line as Tag (command) +  (control) +  (shift) + w Add to Pie Menu
Wrap Selection as Link (control) +  (shift) + l Add to Pie Menu
Br (control) + return Add to Pie Menu
Strong (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Emphasize (command) + i Add to Pie Menu

XML Shortcuts

Validate (control) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Tidy (control) +  (shift) + h Add to Pie Menu

JavaScript Shortcuts

Documentation (control) + h Add to Pie Menu

CSS Shortcuts

Documentation (control) + h Add to Pie Menu
Validate (control) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Preview (command) +  (option) +  (control) + p Add to Pie Menu

PHP Shortcuts

Documentation (control) + h Add to Pie Menu
Validate (control) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Continue Block Comment Add to Pie Menu
Run (command) +  (shift) + r Add to Pie Menu
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