
MPS shortcuts for Mac

MPS (Meta Programming System) is a platform for language development and domain-specific language (DSL) creation that allows users to create their own languages or extend existing ones. Download MPS

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for MPS


Model Checker (option) +  (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Open Settings dialog (command) + , Add to Pie Menu
Quick switch current scheme (control) + ` Add to Pie Menu
Save all (command) + s Add to Pie Menu

VCS/Local History

Show differences (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Browse history (option) +  (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
Add to VCS (option) +  (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
VCS operations popup (control) + v Add to Pie Menu
Update project from VCS (command) + t Add to Pie Menu
Commit project to VCS (command) + k Add to Pie Menu


View breakpoints (shift) +  (command) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Toggle breakpoints (command) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Evaluate expression (option) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Resumef9 Add to Pie Menu
Step out (shift) + f8 Add to Pie Menu
Step intof7 Add to Pie Menu
Step overf8 Add to Pie Menu

Generation, Compilation and Run

Show type-system trace (shift) +  (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Preview generated text (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + f9 Add to Pie Menu
Select and debug a configuration (option) +  (shift) + f9 Add to Pie Menu
Debug context configuration (shift) +  (command) + f9 Add to Pie Menu
Select and run a configuration (option) +  (shift) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Run context configuration (shift) +  (command) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Debug (shift) + f9 Add to Pie Menu
Run (shift) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Generate current model (shift) +  (command) + f9 Add to Pie Menu
Generate current module (command) + f9 Add to Pie Menu

BaseLanguage refactoring

Extract method (option) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Introduce parameter (option) +  (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Introduce field (option) +  (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Introduce constant (option) +  (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Introduce Variable (option) +  (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Extract Method (option) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Inline (option) +  (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
Safe Delete (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Rename (shift) + f6 Add to Pie Menu
Movef6 Add to Pie Menu

BaseLanguage Editing

Go to super method (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Go to overriding methods / Go to inherited classifiers (option) +  (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Create new ... (control) + n Add to Pie Menu
Show node information (control) + q Add to Pie Menu
Show parameters (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Show nodes (command) + f12 Add to Pie Menu
Comment/uncomment with block comment (command) + / Add to Pie Menu
Implement methods (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Override methods (command) + o Add to Pie Menu


Inspect node (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Show in hierarchy view (control) + h Add to Pie Menu
Show type (control) +  (shift) + p Add to Pie Menu
Go to type-system rules (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Go to previous aspect tab (control) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to next aspect tab (control) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to previous project window (option) +  (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Go to next project window (option) +  (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Show structure (command) + f10 Add to Pie Menu
Go to inspector (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Close active editor tab (command) + f4 Add to Pie Menu
Edit source / View sourcef4 Add to Pie Menu
Concept/Class hierarchy (command) + h Add to Pie Menu
Select current node in any view (option) + f1 Add to Pie Menu
Navigate back/forward (option) +  (command) + left/right Add to Pie Menu
Recent locations popup (shift) +  (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
Recent nodes popup (command) + e Add to Pie Menu
Jump to the last tool windowf12 Add to Pie Menu
Hide all tool windows (shift) +  (command) + f12 Add to Pie Menu
Restore default window layout (shift) + f12 Add to Pie Menu
Hide active or last active window (shift) + esc Add to Pie Menu
Go to editor (from tool window)esc Add to Pie Menu
Go to previous editor tab (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to next editor tab (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Go to concept editor declaration (option) +  (shift) + e Add to Pie Menu
Go to concept declaration (shift) +  (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Go to solution (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Go to model (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Go to action by name (control) +  (shift) + a Add to Pie Menu
Go to node by id (control) + g Add to Pie Menu
Go to file by name (control) +  (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu
Go to root node by name (control) + n Add to Pie Menu
Go to declaration (control) + b Add to Pie Menu

Find usages and Search

Find previous (shift) + f3 Add to Pie Menu
Find nextf3 Add to Pie Menu
Find text (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Highlight instances (shift) +  (command) + f6 Add to Pie Menu
Highlight cell dependencies (option) +  (shift) +  (command) + h Add to Pie Menu
Find concept instances (option) + f6 Add to Pie Menu
Find usages (option) + f7 Add to Pie Menu

Set dependencies on models, import used languages

Import model by a root name (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Import language (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Import model (command) + m Add to Pie Menu

General editing

Show descriptions of error or warning at caret (control) + f1 Add to Pie Menu
Expand all (control) + num-plus Add to Pie Menu
Expand (control) + num-plus Add to Pie Menu
Collapse all (control) + num- Add to Pie Menu
Collapse (control) + num- Add to Pie Menu
Refresh the error messages in the editorf5 Add to Pie Menu
Delete line (control) + y Add to Pie Menu
Extend the selected region to siblings (shift) + arrows Add to Pie Menu
Shrink block selection region (control) +  (shift) + w Add to Pie Menu
Expand/Shrink block selection region (control) + w Add to Pie Menu
Duplicate current line or selected block (control) + d Add to Pie Menu
Surround with... (control) +  (option) + t Add to Pie Menu

Core of editing

Move to the previous cell (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to the next cell (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Code completion (control) + space Add to Pie Menu
Pie Menu

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The convenience of shortcuts without the memorization!

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