
Sequel Pro shortcuts for Mac

Sequel Pro is a fast, easy-to-use Mac database management application for working with MySQL databases, offering direct interaction with data and structures. Download Sequel Pro

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Mac keyboard shortcuts for Sequel Pro

Table and Database Management

Table structure (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Table content (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Table relations (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu
Table info (command) + 4 Add to Pie Menu
Custom query (command) + 5 Add to Pie Menu
Table triggers (command) + 6 Add to Pie Menu

File and Tab Management

New window (connection file) (command) + n Add to Pie Menu
New tab (connection file) (command) + t Add to Pie Menu
Add connection to favorites (command) +  (shift) + a Add to Pie Menu
Open (connection file or SQL file) (command) + o Add to Pie Menu
Open current connection file in new window (command) +  (option) + o Add to Pie Menu
Save (connection file) (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save as (connection file) (command) +  (shift) + s Add to Pie Menu
Save query (command) +  (control) + s Add to Pie Menu
Close (connection file) (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
Close all (connection file) (command) +  (option) + w Add to Pie Menu
Print (command) + p Add to Pie Menu
Import (command) +  (shift) + i Add to Pie Menu
Show console window (command) +  (shift) + k Add to Pie Menu
Clear console (command) + k Add to Pie Menu

History and Navigation

Back in history (control) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Forward in history (control) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select next tab (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select previous tab (control) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Insert null value (control) +  (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu
Copy create table syntax (command) +  (shift) + c Add to Pie Menu
Show create table syntax (command) +  (option) + s Add to Pie Menu
Refresh databases (command) +  (shift) + r Add to Pie Menu
Choose database (command) +  (shift) + d Add to Pie Menu
Show server variables (command) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Show server processes (command) +  (option) + p Add to Pie Menu
Refresh tables (command) +  (control) + r Add to Pie Menu
Flush privileges (command) +  (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu
User accounts... (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Copy selection or selected row(s) (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Copy selected row(s) with column names (command) +  (option) + c Add to Pie Menu
Copy selected row(s) as SQL INSERT (command) +  (option) +  (control) + c Add to Pie Menu
Show/hide toolbar (command) +  (shift) + t Add to Pie Menu
Filter table content (command) +  (control) + f Add to Pie Menu
Filter tables (command) +  (option) +  (control) + f Add to Pie Menu
Bundle editor (command) +  (option) +  (control) + b Add to Pie Menu
Navigator (command) +  (option) +  (control) + n Add to Pie Menu
Select current word (control) + w Add to Pie Menu
Select current line (control) + l Add to Pie Menu
Select enclosing brackets (command) +  (shift) + b Add to Pie Menu
Select all (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Add a new field / row (command) +  (option) + a Add to Pie Menu
Delete selected field / row(s) Add to Pie Menu
Duplicate selected field / row (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Run all queries (1.0+) / run current query or selection (<= (command) +  (option) + r Add to Pie Menu
Refresh table contents / run current query or selection (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Shift line or selection rightwards (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Shift line or selection leftwards (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Toggle comment line or selection (command) + / Add to Pie Menu
Toggle comment current query (command) +  (option) + / Add to Pie Menu
Spell checker completion (narrow-down list)f5 Add to Pie Menu
Select current query (control) + y Add to Pie Menu
Show MySQL help for current word or selection (control) + h Add to Pie Menu

Database commands

Open query favorites popup menu (command) +  (option) + f Add to Pie Menu
Open query history popup menu (command) +  (option) + y Add to Pie Menu
Insert previous history item (successively) (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Insert next history item (successively) (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Show all database names as completion list (command) +  (option) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Show all table and view names as completion list (command) +  (option) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Show all table names from current database as completion list (command) +  (option) + 3 Add to Pie Menu
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