
Canva shortcuts for Mac

Canva is an intuitive design platform providing a wide range of templates and assets, making professional-grade graphic design accessible to everyone. Download Canva

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Canva


Undo⌘ (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Redo⌘ (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Save⌘ (command) + s Add to Pie Menu
Select All⌘ (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Add Textt Add to Pie Menu
Add Rectangler Add to Pie Menu
Add Linel Add to Pie Menu
Add Circlec Add to Pie Menu
Add Link⌘ (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
Add Empty Page⌘ (command) + ↵ Add to Pie Menu


Zoom In⌘ (command) + + Add to Pie Menu
Zoom Out⌘ (command) + - Add to Pie Menu
Zoom to Actual Size⌘ (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
Zoom to Fit⌥ (option) + ⌘ (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
Zoom to Fill⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu


Bold Text⌘ (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Italicize Text⌘ (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Underline⌘ (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
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