
Pitch shortcuts for Mac

Pitch is a collaborative presentation software for modern teams. It offers a new approach to collaboration, design, and automation. Download Pitch

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Pitch


Access the quick menu⌘ (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
New presentationn Add to Pie Menu
Go to workspaceg Add to Pie Menu
Open presentationo Add to Pie Menu
Create template / normal textt Add to Pie Menu
Create folderf Add to Pie Menu
Open a new presentation⇧ (shift) + n Add to Pie Menu
Headlineh Add to Pie Menu
Imagei Add to Pie Menu
Shapes Add to Pie Menu
Rectangle shape + s r
Circle shape + s c
Line shape + s l
Arrow shape + s a
Diamond shape + s d
Star shape + s s
Triangle shape + s t
Bullet list + l b
Numbered list + l n
Check list + l c
Enter the player⌘ (command) + ⇧ (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu
Add comment⌘ (command) + ⇧ (shift) + m Add to Pie Menu
Set slide status to 'to do' + ! t
Set slide status to 'in progress' + ! i
Set slide status to 'done' + ! d
Assign toa Add to Pie Menu
Apply stylealt  + t Add to Pie Menu
Jump to slidej Add to Pie Menu
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