
Roam Research shortcuts for Mac

Roam Research is a note-taking and organization tool that allows users to create bidirectional links between notes, making it easy to connect related ideas and information. Download Roam Research

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Roam Research


Find blocks on page 'mistakes' mentioning date between January 1st, 2020 and December 31st 2020 + {{query: {and: [[mistakes]] {between: [[January 1st, 2020]] [[December 31st, 2020]] }}}}
Find blocks on daily pages and blocks mentioning a date between two days + between
Exclude blocks matching a condition from query results + not
Find blocks matching multiple conditions + and

Slash Commands

Add this to the URL when starting Roam to disable roam/css + ?diblcss
Add this to the URL when starting Roam to disable roam/js + ?diblejs
Insert query + /Query
Insert word count for page + /W
Insert mentions of a Block or Page + /Mentions
Embed a YouTube video + /YouTube
Insert a kanban board + /Kanban
Insert a table + /Table
Insert a diagram + /Diagram
Encrypts a block of text with a passphrase + /Encrypt
Creates a slider from 0 to 10 + /Slider
Upload an image or file + /Upload
Inline calculator + /Calc
Allows LaTeX stylized text inline of the block + /Latex
Creates a code block allowing snippets code + /CodBlock
Creates a monospaced code inline of the block + /Codenline
Cross out text + /Strikethrough
Highlight text + /Highlight
Text in italics + /Italics
Bold text + /Bold
Yesterday's date + /Yesterday
Tomorrow's date + /Tom
Today's date + /Today
PickerAllows you to choose a date from a calendar + /Date
Creates a 25 min Pomodortimer + /POMO
TimeCreates a time-stamp of the current time in 24h format + /Crent


Move character under cursor forward⌃ (control) + t Add to Pie Menu
Redo⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Undo⌘ (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Toggle help popup visibility⌥ (option) + ⇧ (shift) + h Add to Pie Menu


Open link in sidebar (when editing)⌃ (control) + ⇧ (shift) + o Add to Pie Menu
Create page in sidebar (from search)⇧ (shift) + ↵ Add to Pie Menu
Toggle right sidebar visibility⌘ (command) + / Add to Pie Menu
Toggle left sidebar visibility⌘ (command) + \ Add to Pie Menu


Select text in current block⌘ (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Open block search⌃ (control) + ⇧ (shift) + 9 Add to Pie Menu
Cycle TODO state of current / selected blocks⌘ (command) + ↵ Add to Pie Menu
Copy block reference(s) of selected block(s)⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Select all blocks on page⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Select block below (when block selected)⇧ (shift) + ↓ Add to Pie Menu
Select block above (when block selected)⇧ (shift) + ↑ Add to Pie Menu
Select current block and children⇧ (shift) + ↑ Add to Pie Menu
Select current block⇧ (shift) + ↑ Add to Pie Menu
Collapse block⌘ (command) + ↑ Add to Pie Menu
Expand block⌘ (command) + ↓ Add to Pie Menu
New line within block⇧ (shift) + ↵ Add to Pie Menu
Move block down⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + ↓ Add to Pie Menu
Move block up⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + ↑ Add to Pie Menu


Move cursor backward⌃ (control) + b Add to Pie Menu
Move cursor forward⌃ (control) + f Add to Pie Menu
Jump to end of block⌃ (control) + e Add to Pie Menu
Jump to start of block⌃ (control) + a Add to Pie Menu
Open link under cursor in sidebar⌃ (control) + ⇧ (shift) + o Add to Pie Menu
Follow link under cursor⌃ (control) + o Add to Pie Menu
Go to last block on page (when nothing is selected)⇧ (shift) + ⌘ (command) + ↵ Add to Pie Menu
Go to first block on page (when nothing is selected)⌘ (command) + ↵ Add to Pie Menu
Go to previous day (when on daily page)⌃ (control) + ⌥ (option) + p Add to Pie Menu
Go to next day (when on daily page)⌃ (control) + ⌥ (option) + n Add to Pie Menu
Zoom out to parent block⌘ (command) + , Add to Pie Menu
Zoom in to current block⌘ (command) + . Add to Pie Menu
Go to Daily Notes page⌃ (control) + ⇧ (shift) + d Add to Pie Menu
Move cursor to previous block↑ Add to Pie Menu
Move cursor to next block↓ Add to Pie Menu


Heading level 3 (Shortcut)⌥ (option) + ⌘ (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu
Heading level 3 (Markdown) + ###
Heading level 2 (Shortcut)⌥ (option) + ⌘ (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Heading level 2 (Markdown) + ##
Heading level 1 (Shortcut)⌥ (option) + ⌘ (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Heading level 1 (Markdown) + #
Surrounds LaTeX code + $$
Create Link⌘ (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
Link to /#/app/help with text 'Link' + [Link](/#/app/help)
Highlight text⌘ (command) + h Add to Pie Menu
Surrounds highlighted text + ^^
Cross out text⌘ (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Surrounds crossed out text (strikethrough) + ~~
Make text italic⌘ (command) + i Add to Pie Menu
Surrounds italic text + _
Make text bold⌘ (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Surrounds bold text + **

The Basics

Move up in autocomplete and search dropdowns⌃ (control) + k Add to Pie Menu
Move down in autocomplete and search dropdowns⌃ (control) + j Add to Pie Menu
Unindent block⇧ (shift) + ⇥ Add to Pie Menu
Indent block⇥ Add to Pie Menu
New block↵ Add to Pie Menu
Insert Roam function + {{
Reference a block + ((
Reference or create new page + [[
Bring up quick commands + /
Find or create new page⌘ (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Pie Menu

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The convenience of shortcuts without the memorization!

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